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By: H. Umul, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University

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Lymphatic capillary Blood flow from arteriole Outward force heart attack 5 fragger discount aceon 4 mg on line, including hydrostatic pressure 35 mm Hg Net N hypertension young male purchase aceon 2mg with amex. Net force at arteriolar end Outward force arteria 3d castle pack 2 order aceon 8mg with mastercard, including hydrostatic pressure = 35 mm Hg Inward force of osmotic pressure = 24 mm Hg Net outward pressure = 11 mm Hg Net force at venular end Outward force, including hydrostatic pressure - 16 mm Hg Inward force of osmotic pressure = 24 mm Hg Nel inward pressure - 8 mm Hg F I G U R E 15. Substances move in and out along the length of the capillaries according to their respective concentration gradients. System S o m e t i m e s unusual events increase b l o o d f l o w capillaries, and excess response to certain fluid enters spaces b e t w e e n s u c h a s histamine to the w a l l s o f v e i n s are s i m i l a r to t h o s e o f arteries i n that the y a r e c o m p o s e d o f t h r e e d i s t i n c t l a y e r s. H o w e v e r, the m i d d l e l a y e r o f the v e n o u s w a l l is p o o r l y developed. C o n s e q u e n t l y, v e i n s h a v e t h i n n e r w a l l s that c o n t a i n l e s s s m o o t h m u s c l e and less elastic tissue than those of c o m p a r a b l e arteries, but the i r l u m e n s h a v e a g r e a t e r d i a m e t e r (figs. Many veins, particularly flaplike those in the upper valves usually (called and tissue that to cells (interstitial spaces). T h i s m a y occur, for instance, in chemicals vasodilate the metarterioles and increase capillary permeability. Enough fluid may overwhelm lymphatic leak out o f the c a p i l l a r i e s and affected drainage, tissues b e c o m e swollen (edematous) and painful. Why is the fluid movement out of a capillary greater at its arteriolar end than at its venular end Because more fluid leaves the capillary than returns to it, how is the remainder returned to the vascular system T h e s e v a l v e s aid i n r e t u r n i n g b l o o d to the heart b e c a u s e the y are o p e n as l o n g as the f l o w is t o w a r d the h e a r t b u t c l o s e i f it is i n the o p p o s i t e d i r e c t i o n. V e i n s a l s o f u n c t i o n a s blood reservoirs, useful in t i m e s o f b l o o d loss. F o r e x a m p l e, in h e m o r r h a g e If the right ventricle of the heart is unable to p u m p blood out as rapidly a s it enters, other parts of the b o d y m a y d e v e l o p e d e m a b e c a u s e the blood b a c k s u p into the veins, venules, a n d capillaries, increasing blood pressure in the s e vessels. A s a result of this increased back pressure, osmotic pressure accom- p a n i e d by a d r o p in arterial b l o o d pressure, s y m p a the t i c n e r v e impulses reflexly stimulate the muscular w a l l s of the veins. T h e resulting v e n o u s constrictions h e l p maintain b l o o d pressure by r e t u r n i n g m o r e b l o o d to the heart. This m e c h a n i s m ensures a nearly normal blood flow even w h e n a s m u c h a s 2 5 % o f the b l o o d v o l u m e is l o s t. How does venous circulation help to maintain blood pressure when hemorrhaging causes blood loss This is t r u e particularly in the lower extremities if the person is upright, or in the b a c k if the person is supine. In the terminal s t a g e s of heart failure, e d e m a is w i d e s p r e a d, a n d fluid a c c u m u l a t e s in the peritoneal cavity of the a b d o m e n. T h e v e i n s, w h i c h carry b l o o d back to the atria, p a t h w a y s that r o u g h l y parallel those o f the arteries, follow X lil I Toward heart Small veins and venules (a) F I G U R E 15. C L I N I C A L B l o o d atherosclerosis, A P P L I C A T I O N D i s o r d e r s Vessel neled through other vessels. But if it occurs in a deep vein, such as the tibial, peroneal, popliteal, or femoral veins, the consequences can be quite serious, particularly if the blood within the affected vessel clots and blocks normal circulation. This Condition, called thrombophlebitis, introduces a risk that a blood clot within a vein will detach, move with the venous blood, pass through the heart, and lodge in the pulmonary arterial system within a lung. Varicose veins are abnormal and irregular dilations in superficial veins, particularly in the legs. This condition is usually associated with prolonged, Plaque increased back pressure within the affected vessels due to gravity, a s occurs when a person stands. Crossing the legs or sitting in a chair so that its e d g e presses against the area behind the knee can obstruct venous blood flow and aggravate varicose veins. Increased venous back Lumen deposits of f a t t y materials, particularly cholesterol, f o r m within the intima and inner lining of the arterial walls. Such protrude into the lumens of the vessels a n d interfere with blood flow (fig. Furthermore, plaque often forms a surface texture that can initiate formation of a blood clot, increasing the risk of developing t h r o m b i or e m b o l i that c a u s e blood deficiency (ischemia) or d o w n s t r e a m from the walls of affected arteries may elasticity and becoming hardened or sclerotic. In this stage of the disease, called arteriosclerosis, a sclerotic vessel may rupture under the force of Risk factors for developing atherosclerosis include a fatty diet, elevated blood pressure, tobacco smoking, obesity, and lack of physical exercise (see chapter 18, pp. Emotional and genetic factors may also increase susceptibility to atherosclerosis.

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