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By: L. Leon, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

This is to diabetes diet infographic purchase amaryl uk signify that the confidence interval for this effect size extends beyond the scale of the figure blood glucose 400 management purchase cheap amaryl online. Therefore diabetes in dogs hypoglycemia safe amaryl 2mg, although we find across the full sample of studies that participation in correctional education is associated with a reduction in the odds of recidivism following release, we also examine whether this pattern is maintained when we restrict our sample to studies with the strongest and most scientifically defensible research designs. We first show the odds ratio for those reaching a Level 5-the highest level of methodological rigor. We then recalculated the odds ratio for studies reaching both Level 4 and Level 5. The odds ratios and their corresponding confidence intervals are shown in Table 3. Level 5 consists of experimental studies that employ randomized control designs, and those in our systematic review that are eligible for the recidivism meta-analysis include two studies with two corresponding effect sizes. Both studies evaluate the Sandhills Vocational Delivery System Experiment in North Carolina (Lattimore, Witte, and Baker, 1988; 1990). To incorporate a broader range of programs while maintaining a high degree of methodological rigor, we focus on Level 4 and Level 5 studies combined. Level 4 consists of quasiexperimental studies where the treatment and control group are reasonably matched on a number of key observable characteristics. When we combine these five Level 4 studies with the two Level 5 studies, our aggregated odds ratio is 0. That we obtain odds ratios that are of similar magnitude when restricting our analysis to the studies with the most rigorous research design suggests that the overall effect observed among our full sample of 50 studies is not driven by lower-level studies that are potentially subject to selection bias. For example, it is possible that the estimates for the lower-level studies are inflated by selection bias and that the estimates for the higher-level studies generalize only to particular types of higher-quality programs. Yet a closer examination of these studies shows that programs in the higher-level and lower-level studies are similar on most attributes we recorded. Interpreting the Relationship Between Correctional Education and Recidivism Because the odds of an outcome-in our case, recidivating-can be a less-intuitive metric to grasp, we applied two other metrics to aid in interpretation: the risk difference and the number needed to treat. The risk difference is the absolute reduction in recidivism rates between those who received correctional education and those who did not. The number needed to treat indicates the predicted number of inmates who need to receive correctional education to prevent one additional inmate from recidivating. These two metrics require an estimated rate of recidivism in the population upon which to calibrate their calculations. In addition, we find that the studies are similarly likely to have missing data on these variables and on the jurisdiction of the facility (federal, state, local). However, the two statistically significant differences that we do find between higher-level and lower-level studies are in the share of programs in federal prisons. In the lower-level studies, we find 76 percent with missing security-level data and the remainder of programs in a roughly equal combination of minimum, medium, and maximum security facilities. Recidivism rates from the aforementioned published studies indicate that between 43. If we apply the recidivism rates estimated by Langan and Levin (2002) for the Bureau of Justice Statistics, we find that correctional education would be expected to reduce three year rearrest and reincarceration rates by 13. According to these estimates, eight inmates would need to receive correctional education to prevent one additional inmate from being rearrested within three years of release, and seven inmates would need to receive correctional education to prevent one additional inmate from returning to prison within three years. The magnitude of these effects is similar when considering more recent national level recidivism estimates by the Pew Charitable Trusts (Pew Center on the States, 2011): Correctional education would be expected to reduce three-year reincarceration rates by 12. Role of Program Type and Instructional Delivery Method Though the effect size estimates shown in Figure 3. Therefore, even though the effects of the treatment are the same, the cost-effectiveness is dependent on the rate of recidivism. This heterogeneity may be driven by a variety of factors, including variation in the program features, their contexts, and/or how they are implemented. To help states and localities develop effective programs, it is important to use what we know about the programs to interpret the sources of this variation. A core focus of policymakers and practitioners in the field of correctional education is developing programs that are designed and delivered in a manner that can yield the most benefit.

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Levin 10/25 at 92-93 (noting need for careful "trade-off of keeping costs down versus providing a more thorough system") and Janis 4/10 at 184 (urging that a middle course involving post-grant oppositions be sought) with Thomas 4/11 at 143-44 (questioning whether oppositions less extensive than court litigation will work) and Gambrell 10/25 at 107 (questioning utility of reexamination/opposition efforts that may prove either too expensive or too cosmetic). Levin 2/6 at 103; Janis 4/10 at 184; Parkhurst 4/10 at 186 ("open it up to all attacks"). See generally Pooley 10/30 at 122 (best mode "interjects issues of state of mind"). The Strategic Plan also contemplates receipt of authority to impose sanctions "for failure to make disclosure or cooperate in discovery. Kushan 10/25 at 101 (suggesting that "most of the utility issues that are going to be impacting on the claim scope are going to be properly raised under 112"). Protecting Patentees from Harassment and Undue Delay the record reveals substantial concerns that post-grant review proceedings could become very time consuming and might be used as vehicles for harassing patentees. Dickinson 10/25 at 167-68 (reexaminations no longer conducted by the initial examiner); Maebius 4/11 at 133 (same). Of course, inter partes reexamination would continue to play an important role of its own during the interim while a fully functioning post-grant review procedure is being put into place. Indeed, some panelists recommend retention of inter partes reexamination even after any post-grant review system is in operation. See 21st Century Strategic Plan, Post-Grant Review of Patent Claims at 2, 20 (April 2, 2003) (noting that eliminating inter partes reexamination would "free examiners to examine applications and reduce pendency thereof"). Levin 10/25 at 92-93 (European oppositions cause 3-year delay); Merrill 10/25 at 94-95 (citing study showing that "length of time" is a "very significant problem" for European oppositions); Kushan 10/25 at 103-04 (absent a required threshold showing for initiating an opposition, "you can have people harassing you constantly"); Kesan 10/25 at 121 (warning against "a whole lot of discovery hearings and so on"); but cf. Maebius 4/11 at 150 (Japan has now increased the pace of opposition proceedings); Merrill 10/25 at 94 (study commissioned by the National Academy of Sciences shows that "the European opposition system has not been subject to the fears or concerns of the independent inventor community. Conducting review on a postgrant basis limits the effects of any harassment strategies. Once initiated, the post-grant review can be conducted under a defined time schedule, 169 and the availability and extent of discovery can be controlled. Recommendation no more likely to be opposed [in a European opposition proceeding] than other patents, other things being equal. Kunin 7/10 at 133 (foreign experience revealed pre-grant opposition as "a form of applicant harassment"). Post-grant review offers greater value to challengers and a more thorough probing of the issues than inter partes reexamination, with less opportunity for delay and harassment than pre-grant opposition. Similarly, the Federal Trade Commission conducts certain adjudicatory proceedings under a time schedule specified by regulation. Commentators have expressed uncertainty as to whether existing examination/reexamination procedures would constitute the "relatively formal administrative procedure[s]" that would trigger Chevron deference under Mead. Duffy 7/10 at 123 (cautioning that judicial "tweak[ing]" of deference standard may not greatly affect Federal Circuit practices). Considerable testimony indicated that with the advent of the Federal Circuit, patents typically have become easier to get, but more difficult to infringe, i. The studies also revealed a second relationship that may better account for any self-selection bias in the nature of cases filed: in the 1989-96 period, district court determinations of patent invalidity were reversed 23% of the time, but district court determinations of validity were reversed only 10% of the time. The data suggest that the courts, particularly at the appellate level, may have grown more willing over the years to find patents valid. One further study, focused just on appellate rulings pre- and post-formation of the Federal Circuit, again showed a higher percentage of invalidity determinations during the earlier period (56% versus 49%), but the difference was not statistically significant. In contrast, with regard to infringement, the data suggests that the Federal Circuit has not been supportive of patentees. See Myrick 3/19 at 46 (stating that in 2000 "[p]atent owners won only 12 decisions in the literal infringement area, while accused infringers won 47" and that under the doctrine of equivalents "patentees won five, while accused infringers won 44), citing Paul M. Levin 2/6 at 102-03 (discussing obviousness); Duffy 7/10 at 184 (discussing written description and doctrine of equivalents); Taylor 7/11 at 137 (discussing written description); American Bar Association Section of Intellectual Property Law, Statement of Robert P. Taylor on Behalf of Section of Intellectual Property Law American Bar Association on Competition and Intellectual Property Law and Policy In the Knowledge-Based Economy (7/11/02) 8 (discussing written description), at. Thus, with regard to validity, data showed that 54% of final, published district court and appellate decisions during the 1989-96 period found patents valid, compared to only about 42% and 34%, at the district court and court of appeals levels, respectively, during the 1953- 179 25 overall picture cannot simply be portrayed as pro-patent. The evidentiary burdens that govern this process are the focus of the next section.

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B eta experiments with her new car and develops a dramatica lly improved fuel injector useable only in the patented Admiral Mo tors engine diabetes type 1 kosthold order discount amaryl on-line. If the blocking patent is invalid or overbroad diabetes in cats amaryl 4 mg free shipping, then no public benefits exist to diabetes prevention blog discount 1 mg amaryl with amex justify its effects on follow-on innovation. Questionable Patents Are a Significant Competitive Concern and Can Harm Innovation. A poor quality or questionable patent is one that is likely invalid or contains claims that are likely overly broad. Hearings participants raised concerns about the number of questionable patents issued. While praising patents as the basis for their industry, biotech firms also raised concerns that some overbroad patents may discourage further innovation in some biotech areas. If a competitor chooses to pursue R&D in the area improperly covered by the questionable patent without a license to that patent, it risks expensive and timeconsuming litigation with the patent holder. If the competitor chooses to negotiate a license to and pay royalties on the questionable patent, the costs of follow-on innovation and commercial development increase due to unjustified royalties. A lawsuit in federal court may not be an alternative, because a competitor may not sue to challenge patent validity unless the patent holder has threatened the competitor with litigation. If the competitor is not on the verge of marketing an infringing product, the patent holder may have no reason to threaten litigation. In Industries with Incremental Innovation, Questionable Patents Can Increase "Defensive Patenting" and Licensing Complications. In some industries, such as computer hardware and software, firms can require access to dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of patents to produce just one commercial product. One industry representative from a computer hardware firm reported that more than "90, 000 patents generally related to microprocessors are held by more than 10, 000 parties. This tends to create a "patent thicket" ­ that is, a "dense web of overlapping intellectual property rights that a company must hack its way through in order to actually commercialize new technology. In the context of a patent thicket, questionable patents can introduce new kinds of licensing difficulties, such as royalties stacked one on top of another, and can increase uncertainty about the patent landscape, thus complicating business planning. Questionable patents in patent thickets can frustrate competition by current manufacturers as well as potential entrants. Because a manufacturer needs a license to all of the patents that cover its product, firms can use questionable patents to extract high royalties or to threaten litigation. This process can deter follow-on innovation and unjustifiably raise costs to businesses and, ultimately, to consumers. Recommendations to Improve Patent Quality and Minimize Anticompetitive Costs of the Patent System. To address this situation, Congress passed legislation to establish limited procedures that allow third parties to participate in patent reexaminations. Recent amendments have improved those procedures, but they still contain important restrictions and disincentives for their use. Once a questionable patent has issued, the most effective way to challenge it is through litigation. Litigation generally is extremely One recent article argues persuasively that because most patent applications involve claims of little 22 Greenhall 2/27 at 377, 420. Kirk, Executive Director, American Intellectual Property Law Association), available at. On the one hand, third parties in the same field as a patent applicant may have the best information and expertise with which to assist in the evaluation of a patent application, and therefore might be useful participants in the process of deciding whether to grant a patent. On the other hand, the limited involvement of third parties in the issuance and reexamination of patents reflects genuine concern to protect patent applicants from harassment by competitors. To continue to protect against the possibility of competitors harrassing patent applicants, any new procedure should be available only after a patent issues. Because existing means for challenging questionable patents are inadequate, we recommend an administrative procedure for post-grant review and opposition that allows for meaningful challenges to patent validity short of federal court litigation.