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By: U. Grimboll, M.A., M.D.

Clinical Director, University of Houston

Trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole induced hyperkalaemia in elderly patients receiving spironolactone: nested case-control study symptoms bacterial vaginosis order 4mg ondansetron otc. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and risk of sudden death among patients taking spironolactone medicine x xtreme pastillas ondansetron 4mg discount. June 17 treatment goals for ptsd generic 4 mg ondansetron otc, 2016 86 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 15. Providers should screen all transgender people for hepatitis C risk factors and perform an antibody screen in those determined to be at risk, as per current guidelines. All transgender people who inject soft tissue fillers should be screened for hepatitis C. Both estrogen and testosterone undergo hepatic metabolism, and routine monitoring of hepatic function has been recommended. However, neither hormone has been associated with hepatic injury or abnormal liver function tests. Monitoring of liver function in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection should proceed as routinely recommended by disease stage and risk factors for progression dictate. Non-oral forms of hormone therapy avoid first pass through liver metabolism and may be preferred for patients with liver disease, though there is no specific evidence to support this recommendation. However, methyltestosterone is no longer available in most countries and should no longer be used as part of a gender-affirming hormone regimen. Oral testosterone undeconoate gel caps available outside the United States were not associated with hepatic dysfunction in a 10-year safety study among non-transgender males. June 17, 2016 87 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People Table 15-1. Co-administration of ethinyl estradiol with boceprevir or telaprevir was found to decrease estrogen levels. In summary, ethinyl estradiol is contraindicated with ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir. June 17, 2016 88 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People References 1. Drug-drug interaction profile of the all-oral anti-hepatitis C virus regimen of paritaprevir/ritonavir, ombitasvir, and dasabuvir. Screening intervals should be based on risk, with screening every three months in individuals at high risk (multiple partners, condomless sex, transactional sex/sex work, sex while intoxicated). In practice, transgender people may avoid screening procedures and physical examinations due to fear of discrimination,[3] encountering providers who are inadequately trained in transgender health,[4] or personal discomfort with the visit or exam. Because transgender people differ in hormone use, history of gender-affirming surgical procedures, and patterns of sexual behavior, providers should avoid making any assumptions about presence or absence of specific anatomy; sexual orientation; or sexual practices. The Fenway Guide provides suggested sexual risk assessment questions [6] including: · · · · · Are you having sex? These questions are components of a complete sexual history which would include relationship types, frequency of sexual activity, age of sexual debut, use of drugs or alcohol during sex, sex work history, history of sexual abuse, and sexual function. Self-collected vaginal and rectal swabs as well as urine specimens have equivalent sensitivity and specificity to provider-collected samples for nucleic acid amplification testing for gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomonas. Some surgical approaches include the use of urethral tissue, which could result in mucosal infectious such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. The risk of infection of intact, inverted penile skin with these organisms is unknown, though lesions such as a syphilitic chancre, herpes or chancroid are possible. When clinically indicated due to symptoms, a physical examination and appropriate testing should be performed. The anatomy of a neovagina created in a transgender woman differs from a natal vagina in that it is a blind cuff, lacks a cervix or surrounding fornices, and may have a more posterior orientation. The anoscope can be inserted, the trocar removed, and the vaginal walls visualized collapsing around the end of the anoscope as it is withdrawn. There is no evidence to guide a decision to perform routine pelvic exams on transgender women in order to screen for such conditions as [formerly penile skin] warts or lesions. Transgender women who have undergone vaginoplasty retain prostate tissue, therefore infectious prostatitis should be included in the differential diagnoses for sexually active trans women with suggestive symptoms. There is no evidence to guide routine screening for Chlamydia in asymptomatic transgender women who have undergone vaginoplasty, though it is reasonable to consider urinary screening in women with risk factors. The role of vaginal gonorrhea and Chlamydia specimens, as opposed to urine testing only, is unknown in women June 17, 2016 91 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People who have undergone penile inversion. Providers may consider vaginal testing however urine testing should be considered essential.

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