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By: X. Thorus, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Program Director, Harvard Medical School

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In addition medicine 7 generic oxcarbazepine 600mg fast delivery, the DoD lacks the level and depth of scientific oversight and talent needed to medicine xifaxan order oxcarbazepine in united states online manage and execute the vaccine programs medications qd purchase oxcarbazepine 600mg amex. Rather, it may experience considerable delays and must have more intense technical oversight if it is to be successful. This seems to have changed with abolishment of the draft, and the military downsizing (1980s and 1990s) wherein priority has been placed on warfighter and health care delivery personnel authorizations. During the past 10 years, not a single military biomedical scientist has been promoted to the rank of a Flag Officer. This reflects fewer opportunities for biomedical scientists to reach senior leadership positions where their expertise and experience can benefit DoD, and is another disincentive for remaining in the military. The DoD compensation and benefits package for civilians is not competitive with industry. The national pool of required biomedical S&T expertise is limited and extremely expensive. While some companies have had success in recruiting qualified personnel for the vaccine industry, DoD in many cases, simply cannot compete with the biotechnology firms, biopharmaceutical industry, or academia for the very best talent under existing compensation constraints and career opportunity. DoD Acquisition of Vaccine Production Report to the Deputy Secretary of Defense by the Independent Panel of Experts There is a general lack of integration in and across the DoD vaccine programs, from discovery through licensure. While this may seem curious, it underscores the technical necessity of integrating the discovery and development phases and the importance of proximity to these processes. It is clear that the DoD has not had a successful strategy or commitment to effectively capture the vaccine industrial base. Industry maintains a robust discovery base and commits itself to full and stable resources when it transitions a lead candidate from discovery to development and production. Benchmark costs associated with vaccine discovery, production, facilities, and maintenance in industry were discussed in Section 3 and summarized in Table 7. Vaccine manufacturing companies have to grow and growth is more predictable and easier to manage as a Company initiative than one in support of a DoD vaccine initiative. DoD Acquisition of Vaccine Production Report to the Deputy Secretary of Defense by the Independent Panel of Experts Table 10. The industry would likely have interest in vaccines to prevent diseases of high public health impact [e. A single manufacturer probably would not want to take on more than one of these vaccine needs at a time. They already have an existing and projected stream of scheduled vaccines to meet customer needs and company goals. Further, the staffing and production capacity support their planned vaccine schedules, and would not generally support vaccine needs beyond this capability. If the medical need were perceived as important enough to industry, they might partner with DoD to accommodate a DoD vaccine requirement. There may also be specific vaccine-related technologies that would capture the interest of industry. Regardless, the DoD would need to carefully market their specific needs to industry. DoD Acquisition of Vaccine Production Report to the Deputy Secretary of Defense by the Independent Panel of Experts timeframe. The number of products and schedule were simply viewed as very "high" risk and did not capture industry interest. The overall requirement by comparison is larger than that of the vaccine operations of Merck & Co. The Panel used a scale of 8 vaccines for estimating the resources needed for the DoD vaccine program. The assumptions for these rough-order-of magnitude estimates are shown in Table 11. Given that industry has virtually no excess capacity, it is clear that the size and scope of the DoD vaccine program itself preclude even major manufacturers as a single source of DoD vaccines. Adding capacity requires significant capital investment and it can take 3 to 5 years to get new or modernized facilities operational and processes validated for facility and product licensure. The financial cost of failure and rewards for success are great and industry invests its capital accordingly.