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By: U. Peer, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Boston University School of Medicine

Clonazepam is effective in various myoclonic seizure disorders including myoclonic atonic seizures (326) pain and spine treatment center nj discount toradol 10mg with visa, myoclonic seizures (327) pain management service dogs buy 10mg toradol with amex, Unverricht­Lundborg myoclonic epilepsy (328) pain medication for dogs with lymphoma buy cheap toradol online, and intention myoclonus (329). Other conditions reported to respond to clonazepam include hyperekplexia (330), acute intermittent porphyria (331), epilepsy with continuous spike-and-wave during slow-wave sleep (332), and neonatal seizures (333). Its role in epilepsy is limited to adjunctive therapy of refractory generalized or partial seizure disorders, particularly in the setting of comorbid anxiety disorders. Dissolving clonazepam into a droplet of propylene glycol followed by buccal administration achieved therapeutic levels in 10 to 15 minutes, and might be a strategy for treating serial seizures (319). Good control of absence seizures was obtained at plasma levels of 13 to 72 ng/mL (317). However, correlation between plasma clonazepam levels and efficacy is relatively poor (6,321) due to the development of tolerance to antiseizure effects (322). Children require relatively higher doses than adults due to a higher clearance rate. Because of rapid absorption and elimination, children should receive the total daily amount divided into three equal doses (6). Although clonazepam is effective against a wide variety of seizure types, side effects limit its use to the most difficult epileptic conditions. Memory problems, difficulty in concentration, irritability, and depression also occur, particularly in association with primidone (341). Paradoxical akathisia has been reported in two patients with history of head trauma and seizure disorders (342). Personality changes with aggressive behavior, irritability, rage, or depression have been described (343), though some have attributed these changes to the underlying temporal lobe epilepsy (344). Withdrawal symptoms after chronic use include nervousness, insomnia, irritability, diarrhea, muscle aches, and memory impairment. In epileptic patients, the predominant side effects of clobazam are drowsiness and fatigue (356). Of 23 open-label studies of clobazam, ataxia was described in 4, dizziness in 19, and vertigo in 2 (356). Memory disturbance, aggressiveness, dysphoria, and illusional and psychotic symptoms occur relatively infrequently. Negative myoclonus has been observed when clobazam was added to carbamazepine (361). Clorazepate was ineffective as monotherapy, but improved seizure control as adjunctive therapy in 59 patients with various seizure disorders (347). Other studies have found limited effectiveness (348), or drowsiness at effective doses (349). Clorazepate was no more effective than phenobarbital as an adjunct to phenytoin treatment, but patients preferred clorazepate (350). Clorazepate controlled refractory generalized seizures in 11 children (age 3 to 17 years), though seizures recurred in 3, likely due to tolerance (351). Clinical Applications Clobazam doses range from 10 to 50 mg/day, with most studies using 10 to 30 mg/day in one or two doses. In the Canadian Clobazam Cooperative trial of 877 patients, the average dose in adults was 30. Clobazam is effective against all seizure types (365), but the benefits may be short-lived. In the Canadian Clobazam Cooperative Study, more than 40% of patients with a single seizure type had a 50% or greater reduction in seizure frequency, and 60% of patients with multiple seizure types had improvement in at least one type of seizure (364). About a third developed drowsiness as a side effect, but this was severe enough to cause discontinuation in only 11%. About 9% discontinued due to recurrence of seizures, which was thought to represent tolerance. In a randomized, doubleblind study of clobazam as adjunctive therapy for drop seizures in Lennox­Gastaut syndrome, clobazam provided a significant, dose-related reduction in drop seizure rates, with non-drop seizures also reduced; adverse effects were rare and mild (366). Clobazam may be particularly effective in the Lennox­Gastaut syndrome (353), but tolerance prevents it from being the drug of first choice for most epilepsies (356). Clobazam was effective when used intermittently in catamenial epilepsy, as tolerance to the anticonvulsant effect was apparently avoided (177). Despite reports of rapid development of tolerance, the Canadian Clobazam Cooperative Study (364) reported that 40% to 50% of patients remained on clobazam for 4 years or longer. Patients who had a seizure reduction exceeding 75% when clobazam was added were likely to sustain this response if their epilepsy was not longstanding and had a known cause (370).

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