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By: T. Samuel, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Vice Chair, Creighton University School of Medicine

Ophthalmic examination will reveal typical fine granular pigment epithelial scars on the fundus that are often associated with a congenital cataract fungus gnats remedy order grifulvin v without a prescription. These disorders may be distinguished from viral retinitis by the absence of necrosis antifungal foot soak cheap grifulvin v 250 mg overnight delivery. Treatment: the disorder is treated with high doses of an antiviral agent (acyclovir fungus gnats soap spray buy cheap grifulvin v 125 mg line, ganciclovir, or foscarnet) according to the specific pathogen. Prophylaxis: Ophthalmologic screening examinations are indicated in immunocompromised persons with suspected viral infection. Clinical course and prognosis: Viral retinitis can be arrested if diagnosed early. Epidemiology: the incidence of this retinal disorder has increased in recent years. Findings and symptoms: Lyme disease can lead to many inflammatory ocular changes with their respective symptoms. Retinal vasculitis, retinal artery occlusion, neuroretinitis, optic neuritis, and choroiditis have also been described. Lyme disease should be excluded as a possible cause of posterior uveitis of uncertain etiology. Diagnostic considerations: the diagnosis is made by ophthalmoscopy and serologic studies to identify the pathogen. Differential diagnosis: Inflammatory ocular changes due to other causes (such as toxoplasmosis or tuberculosis) should be excluded. Treatment: Antibiotic treatment with tetracycline, penicillin G, or thirdgeneration cephalosporins is indicated. Epidemiology: Onchocerciasis, like trachoma and leprosy, is one of the most frequent causes of blindness worldwide. However, like the other parasitic diseases discussed here, it is rare in Europe and North America. This allows the larvae (microfilaria) to penetrate the skin, where they form fibrous subcutaneous nodules. There they reach maturity and produce other microfilaria, which migrate into surrounding tissue. The danger of ocular infiltration is particularly great where there are fibrous nodules close to the eye. Toxocara canis or Toxocara cati (eggs of nematodes infesting dogs and cats) are transmitted to humans by ingestion of substances contaminated with the feces of these animals. The eggs hatch in the gastrointestinal tract, where they gain access to the circulatory system and may be spread throughout the entire body. The larvae travel through the bloodstream to various organs and can also infest the eye. Diagnostic considerations and findings: Ophthalmoscopy will reveal intraocular inflammation. Onchocerciasis has been known to be associated with posterior uveitis as well as keratitis and iritis. Visceral larva migrans, Toxocara canis, or Toxocara cati can cause complications involving endophthalmitis and retinal detachment. Subretinal granulomas and larval inflammation of the retina have been known to occur. The larvae of different species of worms can produce diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis with the typical clinical picture of grayish white intraretinal and subretinal focal lesions. Differential diagnosis: Other causes of retinal inflammation and subretinal granulomas should be excluded. Treatment: Laser photocoagulation or surgical removal of the worm larvae may be indicated. Clinical course and prognosis: It is not uncommon for these disorders to lead to blindness. Epidemiology: Retinoblastoma is the most common malignant ocular tumor in children, occurring in approximately one of 20 000 births. Where retinoblastoma is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, the siblings of the affected child should be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist.


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Knowledge management according(6) is a knowledge management development from the concept of Nonaka and Takeuchi Knowledge management has 7 stages including knowledge identification fungus root word order grifulvin v 250mg on line, knowledge acquisition fungus jokes discount 125mg grifulvin v fast delivery, knowledge creation fungus guard buy grifulvin v 125 mg without prescription, knowledge application, knowledge transfer, knowledge sharing, knowledge documentation. The advantages of the model are that data becomes information processed through collecting, classifying and grouping, processing data so that it changes shape and properties according to its uses, interprets data, stores data, delivers data to users, and uses in supporting the interests of the organization(6). Knowledge management approach is a technique to create knowledge harmony so as to achieve optimal performance. Whereas for the attitude and leadership type sub variables it is declared invalid where the value of outer loading >0. Method this research used a quasy-experimental pre post test design with the complete sampling 100 nurses in Haji Hospital Surabaya. The result summary for reflective outer models Variables Indicators Knowledge Individual Attitude Commitment Organization Decision making Leadership Culture Monitoring Outer-Loading 0. The result summary for reflective outer models Assesment decubitus ulcer prevention Decubitus Ulcer prevention Intervention decubitus ulcer prevention Implementation decubitus ulcer prevention Evaluation decubitus ulcer prevention Unexpected incidence of decubitus the incidence of ulcer decubitus ulcer the incidence is almost an decubitus ulcer injury 0. The path coefficient and t-statistic of inner model Variables Path Coefficient T Statistic Remark Effect of individual factors on the implementation of decubitus ulcer 0. The effect of implementing ulcus decubitus prevention on events is not expected 0. These results indicate that there is a significant influence between individual factor variables on the implementation of decubitus ulcer prevention. The same direction can be interpreted that the higher the individual factor, the more the implementation of decubitus ulcer prevention will increase. These results indicate that there is a significant influence between organizational factor variables on the implementation of decubitus ulcer prevention. This result shows that there is a significant influence between factor management variables on the implementation of ulcus decubitus prevention. This unidirectional relationship can be interpreted that the higher the factor management, the more the implementation of ulcus decubitus prevention will increase. This result indicates that there is a significant influence between the variables of implementation of ulcus decubitus prevention on unexpected events. The same direction can be interpreted that the higher the implementation of ulcus decubitus prevention, the event is not expected to decrease. The quality of the structural model using R-square of the dependent variables is measured with the stoneGeisser Q-square test for predictive relevance. Based on these figures, the Q-square predictive relevance is calculated as follows: Q Square predictive relevance Q 2 = 1-(1-R12)(1-R22) = 1-(1-0. Older nurses have maturity in thinking and acting and have the ability to recognize and prevent the danger they get along with the development of age and maturity. Increasing age and technical and psychological will increase, the more able to make decisions, the more wise and think rationally, so the better performance(10). Higher the level of education, the greater the desire to use their knowledge and skills. Behavior is based on knowledge will be more lasting than behavior that is not based on knowledge(14). Nurses must improve education and training opportunities for all aspects of nursing that have an impact on patient safety and can reduce unexpected events. Knowledge is the main capital to obtain good skills and attitudes, with good knowledge individuals will be motivated to do ulcus decubitus prevention(14). Knowledge is information that has been organized and analized to make it undertable and applicable to problem solving or decision making(15). Competency is ability and characteristics possessed by someone with knowledge, skills and attitude behavior required in carrying out his job duties, so that can carry out their duties in a professional, effective and efficient manner and in accordance with the performance standards carried out(16). Knowledge is a basic element for every employee to change his behavior in implementing something(17). Individual needs will arise if the individual feels there is an imbalance between hope and reality, so that an impulse will emerge to meet Discussion Sub variables on individual factors include demographics which consist of age, years of service, and level of education, knowledge, attitude. The ability and affordability sub variables are the main factors that influence are the main factors that influence behavior and individuals(8), sub-demographic variables have indirect effects on individual behavior and performance. Demographic characteristics it is also an important thing known by the leader or someone inside motivate and improve its performance. According to Anvari there are 5 supporting areas for knowledge management, namely human resources, leadership, organization, internal processes and vision. Human resources in this case are nurses which include age, years of service, level of education(9).