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By: N. Ronar, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Professor, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas

Visual field testing demonstrates the presence or absence of scotomas and visual field defects occurring anywhere along the visual pathway medications ritalin buy meclizine 25 mg visa. Elements of the history include onset of the complaint medications similar to xanax meclizine 25 mg with mastercard, its duration medicine 223 purchase cheap meclizine on line, whether it is monocular or binocular, treatment received thus far, and associated systemic symptoms. If an infectious disease is suspected, ask about possible contact with others having similar findings. The ocular history is obtained, as is the perinatal and developmental history and any history of allergy. Perhaps more important than the absolute visual acuity is the presence of a difference of acuity between the two eyes, which might be a sign of amblyopia, uncorrected refractive error, or disease. The practitioner should be aware of two situations in which vision screening is complicated by nystagmus. Children who require a face turn or torticollis (in which the head is tilted to the right or left) to quiet the nystagmus will have poor visual acuity results when tested in the absence of the compensatory head posture. When latent nystagmus is present, acuity testing is particularly challenging (see later section on Nystagmus). To minimize the nystagmus, the occluder should be held about 12 inches in front of the eye not being tested. Testing both eyes simultaneously without occlusion often gives a better visual acuity measurement than when either eye is tested individually. B: the fingers pull the lid down, and an index finger or cotton tip is placed on the upper tarsal border. Photoscreening has been developed to address the difficulties in screening young children. It requires a special camera that takes two photographs of each eye, a trained examiner to take the photographs, and a site for interpretation of the photographs. Photoscreening does not screen directly for amblyopia but for amblyogenic factors, which include strabismus, media opacities, and refractive errors. If the photographs suggest an amblyogenic factor, children are referred to an eye care professional for a complete eye examination. Problems exist with sensitivity and specificity of the instruments and poor follow-up for referrals made to eye care professionals. A penlight provides good illumination and should be used in both straight-ahead and oblique illumination. In cases of suspected foreign body, pulling down on the lower lid provides excellent visualization of the inferior culde-sac (palpebral conjunctiva). Visualizing the upper cul-desac and superior bulbar conjunctiva is possible by having the patient look inferiorly while the upper lid is pulled away from the globe and the examiner peers into the upper recess. When indicated for further evaluation of the cornea, a small amount of fluorescein solution should be instilled into the lower cul-de-sac. For example, herpes simplex lesions of the corneal epithelium produce a dendrite or branchlike pattern. A foreign body lodged beneath the upper lid shows one or more vertical lines of stain on the cornea due to the constant movement of the foreign body over the cornea. A fine, scattered punctate pattern may be a sign of viral keratitis or medication toxicity. Punctate erosions of the inferior third of the cornea can be seen with staphylococcal blepharitis or exposure keratitis secondary to incomplete lid closure. Irregular pupils are associated with iritis, trauma, pupillary membranes, and structural defects such as iris coloboma (see later section on Iris Coloboma). Children have larger pupils than either infants or adults, whereas the elderly have miotic pupils. Anisocoria, a size difference between the two pupils, may be physiologic if the size difference is within 1 mm and is the same in light and dark. Anisocoria occurs with Horner syndrome, third nerve palsy, Adie tonic pupil, iritis, and trauma.

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