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By: Y. Denpok, M.A., Ph.D.

Professor, State University of New York Upstate Medical University

Iron generated by such rare cosmological events should then be condensed to antifungal walgreens 100 mg mycelex-g sale planetary systems fungus yeast infection buy mycelex-g master card. Conservation of iron in the body 426 Textbook of Biochemistry; Section D: Nutrition Box 35 fungus gnats azamax order mycelex-g no prescription. Calculation shows that about 300 worms can produce a loss of 1% of total body iron per day. Repeated pregnancies: About 1 g of iron is lost from the mother during one delivery. Nephrosis: Haptoglobin, hemopexin and transferrin are lost in urine, along with loss of iron. Hence these elaborate mechanisms are necessary for conservation inside the body. Defect in heme synthesis: Deficiency of iron, copper, pyridoxal phosphate, folic acid, vitamin B12 or vitamin C. Feces contain unabsorbed iron as well as iron trapped in the intestinal cells, which are then desquamated. About 30% of cells in the intestinal lining are replenished every day, and so this loss is considerable. The upper layers of skin cells are constantly being lost, and this is another route for iron loss from the body. Microscopic appearance Iron deficiency is characterized by microcytic hypochromic anemia. When the level is lower than 10 gm, body cells lack oxygen and patient becomes uninterested in surroundings (apathy). Since iron is an important constituent of cytochromes, their deficiency leads to derangement in cellular Chapter 35; Mineral Metabolism and Abnormalities 427 respiration and all metabolic processes become sluggish. Prolonged iron deficiency causes atrophy of gastric epithelium leading to achlorhydria, which in turn causes lesser absorption of iron, aggravating the anemia. Similar atrophy of epithelium in oral cavity and esophagus causes dysphagia termed Plummer-Wilson syndrome, which is a known precancerous condition. Very chronic iron deficiency anemia will lead to impaired attention, irritability, lowered memory and poor scholastic performance. Laboratory Findings Laboratory investigations generally used to diagnose anemias are listed in Table 35. Serum iron level: It is depressed in iron deficiency, acute and chronic infections, carcinomas, hypothyroidism and Kwashiorkor. Treatment of Iron Deficiency Oral iron supplementation is the treatment of choice. Iron tablets are usually given along with vitamin C, to convert it into ferrous form, for easy absorption. Unabsorbed iron may generate free radicals and so, it is advisable to give vitamin E (to prevent free radical generation) along with iron. More than 50 mg of iron taken orally may cause nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Here the regulation at the level of intestine is circumvented leading to iron overload. If whole blood is given every time, by about 20 years of age, the patient will have hemosiderosis. In these cases, iron absorption is increased and transferrin level in serum is elevated. Bantu siderosis: Bantu tribe in Africa is prone to hemosiderosis because the staple diet, corn, is low in phosphate content. Hemochromatosis: When total body iron is higher than 25-30 gm, hemosiderosis is manifested. Deposits under the skin cause yellow-brown discoloration, which is called hemochromatosis. The triad of cirrhosis, hemochromatosis and diabetes are referred to as bronze diabetes. Treatment of hemosiderosis: Repeated phlebotomy every week, till serum iron, and ferritin reach near normal levels.

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The chromosome 14 contains gene for immunoglobulin heavy chain anti-fungal remedies for dogs discount 100 mg mycelex-g otc, 2 contains gene for kappa light chain and 22 for lambda light chain fungus plague inc brutal cheap mycelex-g 100 mg overnight delivery. In the rest fungus gnats money tree generic 100 mg mycelex-g amex, there is translocation of 9 to 22 leading to activation of c-abl present in chromosome 9. The bcl-2 product suppresses programmed cell death (see apoptosis, Chapter 42) leading to tumor formation. After about 10-30 years, these cells 572 Textbook of Biochemistry; Section G: Advanced Biochemistry develop into invasive cancer. Michael Bishop and Harold Varmus, pioneers in the oncogene research were awarded Nobel Prize in 1989. The full virus produces sarcoma in avians but a strain of virus deficient in a particular gene, could not cause the disease. To distinguish these two genes, they are denoted as Vsrc (viral gene) and C-src (cellular gene). Some other oncogene products act on key intracellular pathways involved in growth control. The c-oncogenes are under the control of regulatory genes, and expressed only when required. When virus enters, an extra-oncogene is inserted so as to produce continuous expression of the gene leading to uncontrolled cellular activity and malignant transformation. Proto-oncogene activation has been demonstrated in different types of human tumors. Many factors activate oncogenes the oncogenes also provide an explanation for the multifactorial origin of cancer. Thus viruses, chemical carcinogens, chromosome translocations, gamma-rays, spontaneous mutations, and all such factors may converge into one biochemical abnormality, the activation of oncogenes leading to malignancy. Point Mutation of Proto-oncogene: the ras gene produces a protein termed P21 (Mol. Anti-oncogenes or Oncosuppressor Genes these are the genes, which normally protect the individual from getting the cancer. Antioncogenes are written with capital letters, whereas oncogenes are represented by small letters. A part of short arm of chromosome 17 was shown to be deleted in various human cancers. It is so called because the gene encodes a phosphoprotein with molecular weight 53,000; with 375 amino acids in length. It can complex with other transforming proteins generated by other oncogenic viruses. Most tumors have a complete absence of p53, whereas others show mutant nonfunctional p53. It is also seen that p53 activates the expression of genes that suppress cell proliferation. Mechanisms of actions of p53 and Rb proteins are explained under cell cycle, in Chapter 42. Growth Factors Many of the oncogenes act through the production of growth factors. There are more than 100 growth factors; a few important ones are shown in Table 51. Interleukins and interferons are growth factors released by lymphocytes/macrophages (see Chapter 49). Differences between Normal and Tumor cells Tumor Kinetics Cell cycle has been described in Chapter 42. The cell cycle is divided into G1, S, G2 and M phases, the cycle being completed within 18-24 hr. In cancer tissues, about 2-5% of cells are in the cell cycle and this number demarcates a mildly growing tumor (2%) from an aggressive one (5%). Cytotoxic drugs and radiation will kill the cells in the cell cycle, while sparing the resting cells.

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