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I learn a little better" (Deaf Student 05) the statements of Deaf Student 03 and Deaf Student 05 reinforce the claim that the mediation of a bilingual speaker in the process of learning a language by deaf individuals strengthens the possibility of doing it faster. Actually, the more deaf s tudents become familiar to Portuguese, the more they improve their reading and writing skills, becoming more and more independent in the use of technological devices. Deaf participants of our research admit their weaknesses related to their performance as Portuguese users, but emphasize the importance of technological apparatus for everyday communication in both Libras and Portuguese. When deaf individuals use their smartphones to communicate, they can interact with hearing people who does not understand Libras. Besides written text, these devices provide some digital resources for interaction that involve images (like pictures, emoji) or videos to express feelings and ideas. For the deaf, digital s upports turn written language less artificial and much more active. Furthermore, they can write and read to communicate the same way most of people have done nowadays through app services and social networks. Thus, deaf individuals can use written Portuguese in real process of communication, quite different from those ones often developed in schools where the process of literacy used to begin. The available technology provides the technical conditions for language learning process to occur. Data collected through interviews suggest that smartphones have been used by the deaf for interaction with other deaf individuals and with hearing people. The use of this technological equipment provides a wide range of communicational possibilities for the deaf, especially for allowing the use of texts, images and videos on integrated basis through multimodal platforms of digital apps. Because they have contact with sign language and written Portuguese language in real contexts of communication, deaf individuals have access to bilingual processes of interaction in a mobile way, which favors them to learn Portuguese out of school context, free from time and space limitations. Computer and information technology access for deaf individuals in developed and developing countries. Software em lнngua portuguesa/Libras com tecnologia de realidade aumentada: ensinando palavras para alunos com surdez. O software HagбQuк: umaproposta para a prбtica da lнnguaportuguesaescritada pessoa com surdez. O ensino de portuguкs como segunda lнngua para surdos: princнpios teуricos e metodolуgicos. Uso do celular na escola: suas representaзхes e conexхes com o ensino e com a aprendizagem. Aprendizado bilнngue de crianзas surdas mediada por um software de realidade aumentada. Thus, the objective of this work was to use remote sensing techniques as a tool to assist the control of the decendial difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration (S p) in sub-basins of the Paracatu River. Negative values of S p were observed in almost the complete study area, therefore, indicating that the region was in the dry season. In terms of water balance, the k nowledge of the spatial-temporal of the S p component can help the planning and control of water resources in watersheds with strong water demand by irrigated agriculture. It is recommended the execution of field validations by installing towers for measure ments of the components of the energy balance, as well as the monitoring of the development and growth phases of the crops in association with water balance for each type of use of the land. Thus, the knowledge of the water availability in both space and time may be essential to assist the rational use of water resources, while alleviating the risks of loss of crop productivity through decision-making directed to an efficient and sustainable water planning. Water balance quantifies the water flows; that is, it calculates the inputs and outputs of water in a physical unit, which can be a river basin in a particular time interval. It drains an area of approximately 45,600 km2, being the second largest sub-basin of the Sгo Francisco river. It is located almost entirely in the state of Minas Gerais (92%), including only 5% of its area in the state of Goiбs and 3% in the Federal District [12].

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At the end of screening experiments by Plackett-Burman design three factors were found to hiv infection cd4 discount 250 mg famciclovir fast delivery play a significant role in cellulase production antivirus worth it order famciclovir with paypal. To test the fit of the model equation hiv infection pathogenesis generic 250mg famciclovir overnight delivery, the regression-based determination coefficient R2 was evaluated. The nearer the values of R2 to 1, the model would explain better for variability of experimental values to the predicted values [21]. The coefficients of regression were calculated and the following regression equation was obtained: Yactivity = 0. Model coefficients estimated by regression analysis for each variable is shown in Table 5. The larger the magnitude of t-test value and smaller the P-value indicates the high significance of the corresponding coefficient [21]. Three-dimensional response surface plots were constructed by plotting the response (enzyme activity) on the Z-axis against any two independent variables, while maintaining other variables at their median levels shown in Figures 1(a)­1(c). The response surfaces having circular contour plot indicate no interaction, whereas, an elliptical or saddle nature of the contour plot indicates significant interaction between the corresponding variables. Similar ascending nature of surface plot was observed with yeast extract however beyond 5 g/L of yeast extract the surface tends to decline indicating a decrease in enzyme activity. Figure 1(b) shows that, with the increase in yeast extract concentration to mid range, the surface is ascending indicating enhancement of enzyme activity and beyond the midrange the surface curvature is declining. But no significant change in surface curvature is observed with increase in peptone concentration showing an insignificant interaction. The optimum levels of the variables were obtained by solving the regression equation and also by analyzing the response surface contour plots using Design Expert software. To validate the predicted model an experiment was conducted in duplicate using the optimum medium composition. Under these optimised conditions, the predicted response for alkaline cellulase production was determined to be 0. The excellent correlation between predicted and experimental values of this experiment justifies the validity of the response model and the existence of an optimum point. It was observed that with lichenan or barley -glucan as carbon source the activity reached maximum at 12 h and remained stable till 36 h (Table 6). Table 3: Full factorial central composite design matrix of three variables in coded units and real values (in parenthesis) with experimental and predicted response. The enzyme can be called -1,3-1,4-glucanase (lichenase) which cleaves the 1,3-1,4 mixed linkages. The significant variables for enhancing alkaline cellulase production were screened and selected using the PlackettBurman design. It was also reported that yeast extract and peptone have significant effect on cellulase production [20]. These results propose a medium formulation that could serve as a basal medium for further optimisation studies. The optimised enzyme activity value obtained in this study is much higher than the reported values with other strains. A 22 full factorial central composite design was applied to study the combined effects of these nutrients. Bradford, "A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein dye-binding," Analytical Biochemistry, vol. Chen, "Cloning of the thermostable cellulase gene from newly isolated Bacillus subtilis and its expression in Escherichia coli," Molecular Biotechnology, vol. Fonseca, "The influence of culture conditions on mycelial structure and cellulase production by Trichoderma reesei Rut C-30," Enzyme and Microbial Technology, vol. Lotfy, "Application of factorial designs for optimization of avicelase production by a thermophilic Geobacillus isolate," Research Journal of Microbiology, vol. Liu, "Isolation and characterization of a cellulolytic Geobacillus thermoleovorans T4 strain from sugar refinery wastewater," Extremophiles, vol. Bozzola, "Study of cellulases from a newly isolated thermophilic and cellulolytic Brevibacillus sp. Bhat, "Cellulases and related enzymes in biotechnology," Biotechnology Advances, vol. Qin, "The prospects of cellulaseproducing bacteria for the bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass," International Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. Chambliss, "Cellulases of bacterial origin," Enzyme and Microbial Technology, vol.