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By: Q. Silvio, M.B.A., M.D.

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By the definition herbals usa safe geriforte syrup 100caps, the p value is the probability that the test statistic Z is greater than this observed value 0 herbals solutions cheap 100 caps geriforte syrup mastercard. In fact himalaya herbals uk purchase geriforte syrup with visa, he hypothesized that the pocket depth of smokers is deeper than that for nonsmokers but less than 7. As we saw in the examples discussed, the importance of the p value is that it tells us exactly how significant the test results are on the basis of the observed data. Students and researchers in biomedical and health sciences frequently ask how small the p value has to be for the results to be considered statistically significant. Remember that the p value represents the probability, that is, the chance that the investigators mistakenly find the results significant due to an error. In a jury trial, the p value represents the probability that, based on the evidence, the jury wrongly finds the defendant guilty when he is really innocent. Keep in mind that, depending upon particular situations, these guidelines may not be entirely adequate. A pharmaceutical company that is about to introduce a new drug may not consider the results statistically significant unless the p value is less than 0. In the first three examples, we took the critical value approach to establish whether or not the results from the hypothesis tests are statistically significant. We can take either one of the two approaches, though the p value approach is more precise because it yields an exact value, and it is more popular among the practitioners. If the null hypothesis is false, we would have no idea if the alternative mean is smaller or larger than the null mean. Although the prevalence rate of edentulous conditions has been decreasing, the great number of edentulous patients warrants the continuing efforts of basic and clinical research on removable partial dentures. Residual ridge resorption is an inevitable consequence of tooth loss and denture wearing. Suppose the amount of residual ridge resorption in women in their 60s and 70s who wear dentures is approximately normally distributed with mean 2. It is not known whether residual ridge resorption in men in the same age range who wear dentures is more or less than that in women. Suppose 12 male patients in their 60s and 70s who wear dentures were examined and the mean residual ridge resorption was found to be 1. This is an example of a two-tailed test, since the alternative mean can be either less or more than the null mean of 2. A reasonable decision rule for the two-tailed test is to reject H0 if the test statistic is either too small or too large. Since = P(type I error) = P(reject H0 when H0 is true) = P(reject H0 H0 is true). We can see that c1 and c2 should be determined such that the following relationship is satisfied. P(reject H0 H0 is true) = P(Z c1 or Z c2 H0 is true) = P(Z c1 H0 is true) + P(Z c2 H0 is true) =. Rejection Region Z1-/2 Assigning the type I error evenly to P(Z c1 H0 is true) and P(Z c2 H0 is true), we have P(Z c1 H0 is true) = P(Z c2 H0 is true) = /2. This indicates the rejection regions are to the left of c1 = z /2 and to the right of c2 = z 1-/2, which are left and right tails of the standard normal distribution shown in Figure 8. We summarize the two-tailed test for the mean of a normal distribution with known variance where the best test is based on Z= X - 0. Bailey examined pretreatment lateral cephalograms from his patient files and learned that external gap (distance between labrale superior and labrale inferior) is approximately normally distributed with mean 19. She wishes to determine whether or not the patients who had injured their maxillary incisors before orthodontic treatment would have a shorter or longer external gap. She has collected lateral cephalograms of 64 patients who had experienced the trauma and calculated the mean external gap of 20. State the hypothesis and perform a statistical test at the significance level = 0. Bailey is not certain whether the average external gap of injured patients is shorter or longer than that of uninjured patients.

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Intraorbital part extends from the back of sclera to rm herbals order geriforte syrup 100caps line the orbital end of the optic foramen herbals2go purchase geriforte syrup 100caps without a prescription. The ophthalmic artery crosses the nerve inferiorly in the dural sheath to herbalsolutionscacom cheap geriforte syrup online amex lie on its lateral side. A thin bone separates the sphenoidal and ethmoidal sinuses medially from the nerve. Intracranial part of the optic nerve extends from the posterior end of the optic foramen to the anterolateral angle of the optic chiasma measuring about 1 cm. It is mainly composed of the nerve fibers derived from the ganglion cells of the retina terminating in the lateral geniculate nucleus. A small number of pupillomotor fibers and some centrifugal fibers are also present. Initially, the macular fibers lie in the lateral part of the nerve but they assume a central position as the nerve passes backwards through a short circular scleral opening situated 1 mm above and 3 mm nasal to the posterior pole of the eye. The fibers from the peripheral parts of the retina enter the periphery of the optic nerve. A partial decussation occurs in the chiasma, wherein the nasal fibers cross while the temporal ones enter the optic tract of the same side to reach the lateral geniculate nucleus. Sheath of the Optic Nerve the optic nerve in the cranial cavity is surrounded by pia mater but arachnoid and dura are added to it in the intracanalicular part. The arachnoid terminates at the posterior part of lamina cribrosa by fusing with the sclera, while the dura mater becomes continuous with the outer two-thirds of the sclera. It may be divided into four parts-intraocular, intraorbital, intracanalicular and intracranial. Lamina Cribrosa the lamina cribrosa is a sieve-like structure which bridges across the scleral canal. It usually manifests as an inferior crescent resembling the myopic crescent to some extent. The eye with colobomatous defect has a superior visual field defect and decreased vision. There is a funnel-shaped depression in the center of the optic nerve head which is called as physiological cup. Blood Supply of Optic Nerve the blood supply of the optic nerve resembles more or less that of the brain. It is mainly through the pial network of vessels except in the orbital part which is also supplied by an axial system. The pial plexus is derived from the branches of ophthalmic artery, the long posterior ciliary arteries, the central retinal artery and the circle of Zinn. The circle of Zinn-Haller is an intrascleral peripapillary arteriolar anastomosis derived from short posterior ciliary arteries and supplies the intraocular part of optic nerve. The venous drainage of optic nerve occurs through the central retinal vein and pial plexus. It appears darker than the usual color of the disk and is often associated with a serous detachment of the retina mimicking central serous retinopathy. Hypoplasia of the Optic Nerve Hypoplasia of optic nerve is a bilateral symmetrical condition characterized by a small disk, small tortuous vessels and peripapillary halo of hypopigmentation (double ring sign). The characteristic features include an enlarged optic disk containing persistent hyaloid remnants, peripapillary pigmentary changes, emergence of retinal vessels from the periphery of the disk and nonrhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Ocular conditions Central retinal vein occlusion Ischemic optic neuropathy Ocular hypotonia 2. Orbital lesions Orbital cellulitis Orbital venous thrombosis Orbital tumors Meningioma of optic nerve Carotico-cavernous fistula Metastatic orbital masses Early thyroid ophthalmopathy Hemorrhage in optic nerve sheath Pseudotumors Bilateral papilledema 1. Intracranial tumors Midbrain tumors Parieto-occipital tumors Cerebellar tumors Theories of Papilledema the pathogenesis of papilledema is disputed. The raised intracranial pressure produces distension of the intravaginal space around the nerve and causes compression of the central retinal vein while it crosses the subarachonoid space.

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Consequently herbals during pregnancy buy generic geriforte syrup canada, most of the arithmetic operations do not make much sense in an ordinal measurement scale khadi herbals cheap geriforte syrup 100 caps visa, as they do not in a nominal scale jeevan herbals review purchase geriforte syrup 100 caps otc. The numbers assigned indicate rank or order but not magnitude or difference in magnitude among categories. For example, the competency of dentists or physicians can be ranked as poor, average, good, or superior. When dentists are classified as superior, a large variation exists among those in the same category. In the interval measurement scale observations can be ordered, and precise differences between units of measure exist. Suppose the room temperature readings have been recorded: 40 F, 45 F, 80 F, and 85 F. We can express 80 F > 40 F (80 F is warmer than 40 F), and 45 F < 85 F (45 F is colder than 85 F). The temperature differences are equal in the sense that it requires the same amount of heat energy to raise the room temperature from 40 F to 45 F as it does from 80 F to 85 F. In other words, the temperature 0 in Celsius or in Fahrenheit does not mean the total absence Definition 2. The amount of the difference between any two categories, though they can be ordered, is not quantified. Post-surgery pain can be classified according to its severity; 0 represents no pain, 1 is mild pain, 2 is moderate pain, 3 is severe pain, and 4 is extremely severe pain. There exists a natural ordering among the categories; severe pain represents more serious pain than mild pain. We could have assigned 1 = extremely severe pain, 2 = severe pain, 3 = moderate pain, 4 = mild pain, and 5 = no pain, instead of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. The difference between no pain and mild pain is not necessarily the same as the difference between moderate pain and severe pain, even though both pairs of categories are Summarizing Data and Clinical Trials 9 of temperature. The unique feature of the interval measurement scale is the absence of meaningful absolute zero. The examples of the interval measurement scale are not as common as other levels of measurement. The test score zero does not necessarily mean that the individual has zero knowledge in statistics. The ratio measurement scale possesses the same properties of the interval scale, and there exists a true zero. The ratio measurement scale allows us to perform all arithmetic operations on the numbers, and the resulting numerical values do have sensible meaning. As we mentioned earlier, the amount of knowledge represented by a statistics test score is on an interval measurement scale. On the other hand, the test score that represents the number of the correct answers is on a ratio scale. The test score 0 indicates that there are zero correct answers; a true absolute zero exists. The test score of 99 means that an individual has three times as many correct answers as an individual who scored 33 on the test. A health maintenance organization administrator might want to express treatment cost as low, average, and high; then a ratio variable becomes an ordinal variable. In general, interval and ratio measurement scales contain more information than do nominal and ordinal scales. Nominal and ordinal data are encountered more frequently in behavioral and social sciences than in health sciences or engineering. As we shall see later, the nature of a set of data will suggest the use of particular statistical techniques. In this section we study the basic statistical techniques that are useful in describing and summarizing the data. When population data are available, there are no uncertainties regarding the characteristics of the population; all of the pertinent statistical questions concerning the population are directly answered by observation or calculation. In most of the practical situations, however, the data represent a sample of measurements taken from a population of interest.

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