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By: O. Grim, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Program Director, Columbia University Roy and Diana Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

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Pero es imprescindible tambiйn analizar la relaciуn con la actividad laboral no sуlo del afectado, sino de su nъcleo familiar: la familia del afectado encuentra limitaciones aсadidas en el terreno laboral, sobre todo los que prestan asistencia personal a la persona con enfermedad rara en el hogar como cuidadores principales, que segъn el tipo y la gravedad de la enfermedad, revelan costes de oportunidad laborales que van desde la reducciуn de la jornada laboral a la imposibilidad de continuar trabajando. Igualmente, se observan otros costes de oportunidad a nivel formativo, asн como en cuanto a las posibilidades de disfrute del ocio y tiempo libre. Todo ello, va a afectar directamente a su nivel de ingresos y a su capacidad para adquirir los servicios y recursos que necesitan. Las personas con enfermedades raras y quienes conviven con ellas en el hogar sufren restricciones econуmicas directamente relacionadas con la atenciуn deficiente de sus necesidades de apoyo y la insuficiente cobertura pъblica de los recursos que necesitan. Se ha constatado una menor capacidad para generar ingresos asн como obligaciуn de asumir mбs costes que la poblaciуn general, tanto mбs graves cuanto mayores son las necesidades de apoyo. Como hemos observado, esto repercute negativamente en sus niveles de integraciуn, tanto real como percibida, existiendo una gran mayorнa de poblaciуn afectada que se ha sentido discriminada en diferentes бmbitos de la vida social y cuya valoraciуn subjetiva de su situaciуn personal es bastante baja, tanto mбs cuanto peores son las condiciones socioeconуmicas en las que viven. Esos niveles de malestar y desigualdad pueden reducirse mediante una adecuada cobertura del sistema de bienestar pъblico y/o bien amortiguarse mediante las redes de apoyo informales, circunscritas al entorno personal, pero tambiйn (aunque en menor medida al tratarse de un movimiento incipiente) al entorno asociativo. La informaciуn obtenida permite afirmar que las personas con enfermedades raras y sus familias cuentan con redes de apoyo muy limitadas y circunscritas habitualmente a personas de su entorno personal. Las familias sufren consecuencias graves en su bienestar emocional, en su capacidad para mantener vнnculos y relaciones sociales y en sus oportunidades para mantener una vida laboral activa. La apariciуn de la enfermedad en un hogar puede suponer un alto impacto emocional para la persona con enfermedad rara y su entorno mбs нntimo. El aislamiento social puede llegar hasta la familia extensa, y las relaciones sociales se ven afectadas. Los sentimientos de frustraciуn hacia las personas y las instituciones son generalizados, sobre todo en personas con grandes necesidades de apoyo no cubiertas o con dificultades para acceder a diagnуstico y tratamiento adecuado. Son personas, por ejemplo, frecuentemente sometidas a periodos largos de falta de sueсo, obligadas a generar conocimiento tйcnico sobre especialidades complejas (genйtica, biologнa, medicina), renunciar a logros personales, uso del tiempo libre, etc. Como hemos podido comprobar, la pertenencia a las asociaciones de atenciуn y apoyo a afectados por enfermedades raras o, mбs genйricamente, a personas con discapacidad, mejora los niveles de bienestar subjetivo de los afectados, independientemente de la condiciуn socioeconуmica de los mismos, pues sirven de ayuda mutua y apoyo psicolуgi153 co entre afectados con problemas similares, que les ayudan a afrontar situaciones anбlogas en diferentes escenarios sociales: la atenciуn sanitaria, el apoyo social, la inserciуn laboral y educativa, etc. Segъn familias y profesionales, las entidades especializadas en la atenciуn a personas con enfermedades raras (bбsicamente asociaciones de afectados, familias y tambiйn recursos pъblicos) constituyen un punto de apoyo muy bien valorado. Aъn asн, resulta evidente que la poblaciуn con enfermedades raras y sus familias forman un colectivo, como decнamos, en situaciуn de vulnerabilidad, por lo general con grandes necesidades de apoyo en todos los бmbitos de la vida. El fortalecimiento de las asociaciones y las macro-estructuras que las agrupan (federaciones regionales, estatales y supranacionales) suponen un incremento en recursos ъtiles para las personas con enfermedades y sus familias (informaciуn, contacto con otros afectados, coordinaciуn, sensibilizaciуn y apoyo), asн como un recurso poderoso para hacer valer sus derechos y reivindicar ante los poderes pъblicos que se garanticen unos niveles dignos de atenciуn sociosanitaria e inclusiуn social. Las iniciativas de informaciуn, sensibilizaciуn y coordinaciуn de servicios, junto con las mejoras en investigaciуn generan grandes posibilidades de mejora que las personas perciben con optimismo. La articulaciуn de esfuerzos, autonуmicos, nacionales e internacionales, pъblicos y privados, de profesionales y de afectados y familiares, es la herramienta mбs poderosa y eficaz que se puede emplear para empezar a mejorar la situaciуn sanitaria de los afectados y sus familias y garantizar su inclusiуn y no discriminaciуn en la sociedad. Este es el camino que se ha tomado en los ъltimos aсos y, como los datos de este estudio demuestran, estб obteniendo unos resultados (si bien aъn incipientes) claramente favorables. En este бmbito es fundamental la unificaciуn de las pruebas genйticas entre diferentes comunidades, cuyo catбlogo ha de ser revisado periуdicamente. Una vez que las familias identifican servicios o profesionales realmente capacitados para intervenir en el diagnуstico y tratamiento de las personas con enfermedades raras, encuentran mъltiples dificultades para acceder a ellos. Estas dificultades se relacionan con la dispersiуn geogrбfica y las trabas burocrбticas principalmente, por lo que resulta necesario desmontar las barreras administrativas, sobre todo entre Comunidades Autуnomas, para la atenciуn a personas ajenas al sistema regional de salud. En el medio rural, las dificultades de acceso a recursos (sobre todo especializados) se incrementan. Mejorar el registro e intercambio de informaciуn entre personas afectadas y profesionales. De igual manera, es preciso incorporar la informaciуn que las familias cuidadoras disponen sobre su experiencia en la relaciуn y apoyo al afectado, asн como poner a su disposiciуn la informaciуn contenida en la historia clнnica. La atenciуn a una persona con enfermedad rara puede requerir la aplicaciуn de muchos recursos, mбs allб de los farmacolуgicos. Independientemente de si los medicamentos son financiados total o parcialmente (lo cual suponen un coste muy alto para muchas familias), el tratamiento adecuado a muchas personas requiere la adquisiciуn de otros materiales, servicios y recursos que no estбn financiados, por lo que se hace necesario contemplar el reembolso de los mismos. Para ello, es indispensable una regulaciуn normativa que garantice el acceso como derecho fundamental, asн como medidas eficaces para que esa cobertura se haga efectiva.

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If used too early infection quotient order amoclanhexal 1000 mg line, the patient may be unnecessarily exposed to bacteria water test cheap 375 mg amoclanhexal overnight delivery an invasive procedure; if too late dow antimicrobial 8536 msds amoclanhexal 375 mg lowest price, the ischaemia may be irreversible. Consider angiography and angioplasty if other measures (haemodilution/hypervolaemia/hypertension) have failed to reverse a significant clinical deterioration within a few hours. Brain protective agents: to date, studies of neuroprotective drugs (antioxidants and antiinflammatory agents) other than calcium antagonists, have failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect. Some recent studies assessing magnesium sulphate infusion, pravastatin and the endothelin-1 antagonist clazosentan have had encouraging results, but await further evaluation. These agents prevent rebleeding by delaying clot dissolution around the aneurysm fundus,but any beneficial effect is offset by an increased incidence of cerebral ischaemia. Of those undergoing aneurysm repair, 40% made a good recovery; a further 21% had moderate disability and were independent. No difference was noted in outcome between the two groups even after case mix adjustment (unfavourable outcome 35% for clipped group: 34% for coiled group). Comparing different operative or management policies: Comparison of different treatments for ruptured aneurysms is difficult, unless conducted under the confines of a randomised controlled trial. For aneurysms > 12 mm in diameter the annual risk of rupture ranged from from 3­10% depending on the site and size. For those treated, the study also reported a combined mortality and morbidity of from 7­10% for the coiled patients and from 10­13% for the operated patients, a figure higher than surgeons had previously liked to admit. The operative risk increased with age, aneurysm size and a site on the posterior circulation. For those undergoing a conservative approach, it is essential to ensure that they do not smoke, since this doubles the risk of aneurysm rupture. Before undergoing screening to detect whether such an aneurysm exists, several important facts should be considered ­ ­ We do not know how rapidly aneurysms form. A negative screening investigation will fail to provide the reassurance that a subarachnoid haemorrhage from a ruptured aneurysm will never occur. For those who decide not to undergo screening, other measures may minimise the risk of aneurysm formation in the future ­ avoid smoking and treat elevated blood pressure and cholesterol. After a negative investigation, the patient may wish to consider the possibility of a further screen in 3­5 years time. Arteriovenous malformations occur at any site but are commonest in the middle cerebral artery territory. Capillary telangiectasis: an area of dilated capillaries, like a small petechial patch on the brain surface ­ especially in the pons. Cavernous malformation/angioma: plum coloured sponge-like mass composed of a collection of blood filled spaces with no intervening brain tissue. Annual risk of haemorrhage: patients with no history of haemorrhage have an annual risk of bleeding of 2­4%. For those presenting with haemorrhage, the risk of rebleeding may be higher, particularly in the first year. Cranial bruit Auscultation, especially over the eyeball, occasionally reveals a bruit. All risk further damage and a team comprised of the neurosurgeon and neuroradiologist should decide on the optimal method or combination of methods for each patient. Larger lesions (> 6 cm) have a greater risk of postoperative hyperperfusion syndrome and brain swelling and carry a 40% risk of permanent neurological deficit. For lesions greater than 3 cm, the lower dose required to minimise the damaging effect of local tissue destruction, makes obliteration unlikely. Pre-treatment with embolisation helps only if this produces a segmental reduction in size. Despite the delay in action, radiosurgery may prove ideal for small deeply seated lesions. Embolisation: Skilled catheterisation permits selective embolisation of feeding vessels with isobutyl-cyanoacrylate, although this technique is not without risk. A around cavernous cavernous malformation may present malformations in the with epilepsy, haemorrhage or with temporal lobe focal neurological signs. Most lesions show marked signal change around this lesion due to a rim of haemosiderin deposition. The annual risk of haemorrhage is about 1% per year, but this varies depending on whether the lesion lies deeply. For deep lesions the risk of a bleed sufficiently severe to cause neurological signs is about 5% per year, whereas for superficial lesions, this is almost zero.

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Enhancing our together have formed the new discipline partnerships with both public and priof bioinformatics-the use of mathe- vate sector organizations is equally matics, statistics and computing to important to realize our goal of promotmodel biological processes and ultimate- ing the timely transfer of knowledge and ly solve biological problems. Biologists, its implications for health to all audiengineers and clinicians are working ences. To achieve our ultimate goal, we taneous monitoring of multiple sub- must take advantage of new scientific stances in real time. The interplay knowledge and tools, strengthen and among environmental, behavioral, expand partnerships, ensure that nutritional, and genetic factors that research advances are translated into useunderlie human health and disease has ful technologies, and above all make sure led to the creation of unique multi- and that our scientific efforts benefit people. Recognizing this crucial need to ensure a Employing Powerful Tools diverse and adequately trained research the completion of the draft of the workforce, the plan sets forth an aggres- human genome sequence in 2001 was sive agenda to enhance multidisciplinary heralded as one of the most important career training and development. Understanding how the 40,000 or so human genes function and how they interact with one another is a major challenge to be overcome to translate genetic knowledge into improved health. Ultimately, it is not only the genes that must be understood, but how they instruct cells to produce proteins, how and where these proteins function normally and interact with one another, and how faulty proteins or protein complexes can lead to disease. To date, the genome sequences of numerous oral microbes are being deciphered and major ones implicated in caries and periodontal diseases have been completed. But how is genomics-the analysis of the entire genetic makeup of a species- adding to our understanding of oral diseases? How is proteomics, or the study of the tens of thousands of proteins expressed by a cell type, changing oral health research? Using genomic and proteomic approaches, researchers are unraveling the mysteries of how oral bacterial cells attach to a surface and become established in a "biofilm", which oral health researchers and practitioners know as dental plaque. We can envision dental health professionals in the near future using a therapeutic substance to block or weaken the function of cell enzymes that enable caries-causing bacteria to anchor to enamel and form biofilm. Alternatively, they might apply products to render certain oral bacteria harmless by lessening their virulence, or they may give their patients products that short circuit communication among bacteria and host cells. Proteomic discovery of the patterns of salivary expression will lead to early identification of individuals most at risk of oral diseases as well as systemic conditions and diseases. Earlier decades, dental researchers have studied detection might be afforded by finding a the basic biological, chemical, and "signature" pattern of substances in oral fluids-ranging from alterations in sali- molecular structure of bone and have worked to identify proteins that stimuvary proteins to abnormalities detected late bone growth and repair. This basic knowledge is response to a particular drug-a farpivotal to the new discipline of bioengifetched idea less than a decade ago- is now being used to identify patients who neering because it provides the key three metabolize certain drugs poorly. This elements needed for its success: (1) the scaffold or matrices on which to grow emerging field of pharmacogenetics offers great promise for improving drug tissues such as collagen or bone mineral; effectiveness, preventing severe adverse (2) the cells to form cartilage, collagen, or bone; and (3) the biologic molecules drug reactions, and improving patient. Genetic screen- that signal the cells to differentiate into ing may improve drug development and specific tissue types. The orofacial tissues pose particularly testing by identifying and eliminating interesting challenges to tissue engithe number of participants in clinical trials who will not respond to, or may be neering research because of their complex nerve supply, finely-tuned muscle harmed by a new drug being tested, function, unique organs, multiple cell thereby making clinical trials smaller, types that must be integrated with one faster and less costly. We can now ing from the human genome project, anticipate a day when no patient will advances in our understanding of cell experience pain, loss of function, or dis- adhesion, and the availability of human figurement from late-stage oral diseases. Researchers have discovered that problems before they manifest clinically, third molars, which are often extracted and discarded, contain adult stem cells that when cultured and expanded are capable of producing dentin in animal models. This and other approaches to regenerate dentin and other dental tissues may transform the way endodontic, or root canal therapy is performed. Tissue engineering research has enormous potential to change clinical practice in other ways too. Someday it may be possible to use biomimetics to repair periodontal tissues, fill in bony defects caused by disease, craniofacial disorders or injuries, and regenerate muscle, nerves and salivary glands. Using remarkable biomimetic approaches, scientists are developing the first artificial salivary gland, a giant scientific leap that would benefit millions of Americans with salivary gland disease or dysfunction. Contributing to Other Disciplines Unlike the internal organs of the body, the structures of the mouth are readily visible and accessible. This unique feature has allowed using the oral cavity as a model to understand systems or diseases that occur elsewhere in the body.

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Trh e u l t s o f f e r t i l i z a taoe a) r e s t o r a t i o n o f the d i p l o i d es irn (n u m b e r o f c h r o m o s o m e s d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f c h r o m o s o m a, l a n dxc), (b) se (i n i t i a t i o n o f c l e a v. Af t e r t h r e e d i v i s i o n s, b l a s t o me r e s u n d e rC o m p a c t i o no b e c o me a t i g h t l y g r o u p e d b a l l o f c e l l s w i t h go t i n n e r a n d o u t e r l a y e r s. T hIe n e r c e l l m a,s w h i c h i s f o r me d as n s a t the t i me o f c o mp a c t i o n a n d w i l l d e v e l o p i n t o the e mb r y o p r o p e r, i s a t o n e p o l e o the b l a s t o c y s t. T h e u t e r u s a t the t i me o f i mp l a n t a t i o n i s i n the s e c r e t o r y p h a s e, a n d the b l a s t o c y s t i mp l a n t s i n the e n d o me t r i u m a l o n g the a n t e r i o r o r p o s t e r i o r w a l l. If f e r t i l i za t i o n d o e n o t o c c u r, the n the me n s t r u a l p h a s e b e g i n s, a n d the s p o n g y a n d c o mp a c t e n d o me t r i a l l a y e r s a r e s h e d. T h e b a s a l l a y e r r e ma i n s t o r e g e n e r a t e the o the r l a y e r s d u r i n g the n e xt c y c l. W h a t a r e the p r i m a r y c a u s e s o f i n f e r t i l i t y i n m e n a n d w o m e n? A w o m a n h a s h a d s e ve r a l b o u t s o f p e l vi c i n f l a m m a t o r y d i s e a s e a n d n o w w a n t s t o h a ve c h i l d r e n. H o w e ve r, s h e h a s b e e n h a vi n g d i f f i c u l t y b e c o m i n g pregnant. H o w e v e r, e mb r y o s o f the s a me f e r t i l i za t i o n a g e d o n o t n e c e s s a r i l y d e v e l o p a t the s a me r a t. In d e e d, c o n s i d e r a b l e d i f f e r e n c e s i n r a t e o f g r o w t h h a v e b e e n f o u n d e v e n a t the s e e a r l y s t a g e s o f d e v e l o p me n t. Day 8 At the e i g h t h d a y o f d e v e l o p me n t, the b l a s t o c y s t i s p a r t i a l l y e mb e d d e d i n the e n d o me t r i a l s t r o ma. In the a r e a o v e r the e mb r y o b l a s t, the t r o p h o b l a s t h a s d i f f e r e n t i a t e d i n t o t w o l a y e r a: (i n n e r l a y e r o f mo n o n u c l e a t e d c e l l s, the a) s n C y t o t r o p h o b l a sa n d b) a n o u t e r mu l t i n u c l e a t e d zo n e w i t h o u t d i s t i n c t c e l l, t (b o u n d a r i e s, the n c y t i o t r o p h o b l a s t eF i g s. M i t o t i c f i g u r e s a r e Sy (e a found in the cytotrophoblast but not in the syncytiotrophoblast. T hus, cells in the c y t o t r o p h o b l a s t d i v i d e a n d mi g r a t e i n t o the s y n c y t i o t r o p h o b l a s t, w h e r e the y f u s e a n d l o s e the i r i n d i v i d u a l c e l l me mb r a n e s. C e l l s o f the i n n e r c e l l ma s s o r e mb r y o b l a s t a l s o d i f f e r e n t i a t e i n ta) ta o l a y e r s: (o w l a y e r o f s ma l l c u b o i d a l c e l l s a d j a c e n t t o the b l a s t o c y s t c a v i t y, k n o w n a s the h y p o b l a s t l a y; ea n d b) a l a y e r o f h i g h c o l u mn a r c e l l s a d j a c e n t t o the a mn i o t i c r (c a v i t y, t he p i b l a s t l a y e r i g s. At the s a me t i me, a s ma l l c a v i t y a p p e a r s w i t h i the e p i b l a s t. T h e e n d o me t r i a l F y e 1 s t r o ma a d j a c e n t t o the i mp l a n t a t i o n s i t e i s e d e ma t o u s a n d h i g h l y v a s c u l a r. T h e l a r g e, t o r t u o u s g l a n d s s e c r e t e a b u n d a n t g l y c o g e n a n d mu c u s. Day 9 the b l a s t o c y s t i s mo r e d e e p l y e mb e d d e d i n the e n d o me t r i u m, a n d the p e n e t r a t i o n d e f e c t i n the s u r f a c e e p i the l i u m i s c l o s e d b y a f i b r i nFcg. W h e n the s e v a c u o l e s f u s e, the y f o r m l a r g e l a c u n a e, a n d t h i s p h a s e o f t r o p h o b l a s t d e v e l o p me n t i s t h u s k n o w n a s t hle c u n a r s t a g(F i g. At the a b e mb r y o n i c p o l e, me a n w h i l e, f l a t t e n e d c e l l s p r o b a b l y o r i g i n a t i n g f r o m the h y p o b l a s t f o r m a t h i n me mb r a n e, the e xo c o e l o mi c (H e u s e r) me mb r a n e t h a t l i n e s the i n n e r s u r f a c e o f the c y t o t r o p h oF i lg. D a y s 11 a n d 1 2 B y the 11 t h t o 1 2 t h d a y o f d e v e l o p me n t, the b l a s t o c y s t i s c o mp l e t e l y e mb e d d e d i n the e n d o me t r i a l s t r o ma, a n d the s u r f a c e e p i the l i u m a l mo s t e n t i r e l y c o v e r s the o r i g i n a l d e f e c t i n the u t e r i n e w aFli g s. T h e t r o p h o b l a s t i s c h a r a c t e r i ze d b y l a c u n a r s p a c e s i n the s y n c y t i u m t h a t f o r m a n i n t e r c o mmu n i c a t i n g n e t w o r k. T h i s n e t w o r k i s p a r t i c u l a r l y e v i d e n t a t the e mb r y o n i c p o l e; a t the a b e mb r y o n i c p o l e, the t r o p h o b l a s t s t i l l c o n s i s t s ma i n l y o f c y t o t r o p h o b l a s t i c c e l l s (F i g s. T h e s e c a p i l l a r i e s, w h i c h a r c o n g e s t e d a n d d i l a t e d, a r e k n os in u s o i d. As the t r o p h o b l a s t c o n t i n u e s t o e r o d e mo r e a n d mo r e s i n u s o i d s, ma t e r n a l b l o o d b e g i n s t o f l o w t h r o u g h the t r o p h o b l a s t i c s y s t e m, e s t a b l i s h i n g the ute roplace ntal circulation.